Pixir renewal and transformation in action

27 September, 2023by admin0

Pixir adopted the change in their way of working, recognizing that technological times demand constant evolution. 

In line with this premise, Pixir integrates a technological transformation, in this process in which it applies new technologies and digital solutions with the aim of improving its efficiency, innovation, adaptability and the experience of both its clients and its collaborators.

You also decide to modify and renew fundamental aspects of your Visual identity, values, mission and vision, this process goes beyond a simple change of corporate image and our guiding principles; It ranges from communication through the essentials to organizational culture, promoting development that benefit our clients.

The commitment of Pixir With continuous improvement it is manifested in every corner of the company, in this way we ensure that our purpose continues to be relevant and significant in this panorama constant evolution.

We pride ourselves on being a company leader in the field of custom software development. With an unwavering commitment to innovation and technology, this passion for evolution is reflected in every aspect of Pixir, ensuring that our dedication to creating customized solutions remains relevant and powerfully meaningful.

In Pixir, we have embraced the commitment to continuous improvement and we know that this is only possible by actively involving each member of our team in this exciting journey towards change and innovation.

© 2023 Pixir, a software development company.